Siddharth Prasad

Email: sprasad2 (at) cs (dot) cmu (dot) edu
Office: GHC 5113
CV, Google Scholar, dblp

I am a final-year PhD student in the Computer Science Department at Carnegie Mellon University advised by Nina Balcan and Tuomas Sandholm. My research spans mechanism and market design, integer programming, machine learning, algorithm design, and their various interactions. I am most interested in developing synergies between algorithm+mechanism design and data-driven methods to help improve the efficiency (economic, run-time, etc.) of human-scale operations.

In Summer 2022 I worked on recommender systems at Google Research as a student researcher with Craig Boutilier and Martin Mladenov. I received a B.S. in math and computer science from Caltech in 2019.

Thesis proposal: Mechanism Design and Integer Programming in the Data Age. [pdf]
Committee: Nina Balcan, Tuomas Sandholm, Gérard Cornuéjols, Craig Boutilier, Peter Cramton

Research papers

Selected talks


I was a teaching assistant for the following courses.
